This page provides information about the development of our Neighbourhood Plan from 2015-2019.
The Plan was adopted by the planning authority in 2020 and forms part of the development plan for Bradford district. It is used to help determine planning applications within the neighbourhood area. A copy of the Plan and related formal documentation can be viewed on the planning authority’s website:
Paper copies of the Plan are available locally in the library and community hub in Addingham.
Addingham Neighbourhood Plan – Made – Regulation 19 Statement January 2020
See here the Government’s Guide to Neighbourhood Plans and our Summary explanation of a Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council was a qualifying body for the purpose of developing a Neighbourhood Plan under the Localism Act 2011.
The development of our Plan was progressed by a group of councillors and volunteers drawn from the community, known as the Neighbourhood Plan Forum.
We held informal consultation events in December 2015, November 2016 and March 2018, and, drawing on the feedback of all consultees, including that of our principal authority, City of Bradford MDC, we prepared our draft Plan. There were then 2 periods of final formal consultations on the draft document.
Following the final period of formal public consultation, the Plan was inspected by an independent examiner, whose report is in the folder of documents referenced above, and a referendum was held on 28 November 2019 when local electors decided on its adoption. The Plan was approved by the local electorate with a turnout of over 40%. The “yes” vote won an overwhelming majority of 93% of those voting.
The draft Plan had been submitted to the planning authority for the purposes of formal consultation under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The documents available to download below were prepared by the Parish Council during the earlier stages of developing the Neighbourhood Plan.
Addingham Reg 16 Draft Neighbourhood Plan – Submission Document
Please note: the documents submitted also included a full Consultation Statement prepared by the Parish Council. For technical reasons, the Statement cannot be uploaded to this website. All the submitted documents, including the Consultation Statement, can be viewed on City of Bradford MDC’s website:
This draft of the Plan was informed by a landscape survey, specially commissioned by the Parish Council (follow link below), and was preceded by a pre-submission draft, published by the Parish Council for consultation under Regulation 14 of the Regulations on 13 July 2018:
Addingham Reg 14 Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Addingham designated heritage assets
During each of the formal consultation periods, paper copies of the draft Plan documents were available at the following locations in Addingham:
- Memorial Hall
- Community Library
- Medical Centre
- Rowlands Pharmacy (by the Medical Centre)
- Telephone kiosk on Church St.
- Co-op
- Post Office
Comments on the Reg. 14 draft had to be submitted by 24 August 2018 (see the letter to stakeholders below) and could be submitted to us using the representation form, also linked below:
Regulation 14 Consultation Representation Form 11.07.18
The Regulation 14 draft Plan was preceded by a Preferred Options draft Plan which, together with the underlying plans and policies, may be viewed using the links further down this page. Please see the leaflet available here: Neighbourhood Plan Flyer to see why the Parish Council decided to revise the Plan’s policies to take account of comments received on the earlier draft. This leaflet was distributed to all households in the village to update residents, following the consultation on the Preferred Options draft (see below), and to introduce the next stage of the consultation process.
The Preferred Options Plan, together with its underlying plans and policies, may be viewed here:
Preferred Options Draft Neighbourhood Plan 07.03.18
Green Space Assessment Report_FINAL210218
See here the comments of residents and of local businesses on the draft Plan (the business survey was carried out as a separate exercise earlier in the year):
2018 Preferred Options Draft Plan – Consultation Feedback Report
Business Survey FINAL REPORT PDF
Green Space Assessment Report_FINAL210218
In preparing this draft, the Forum carried out housing site assessments for the village. See the methodology they used here:
Housing Site Methodology HSAM Introduction 4.5.17
Housing Site Methodology APPENDIX 1 HSAM Site Assessment Template FINAL amd
Housing Site Methodology APPENDIX 2 HSAM Criteria and Evidence FINAL
In preparing the Preferred Options Draft Plan, the Forum had to ensure that all possible sites were assessed and the Parish Council thus issued a Call for Sites to any resident, landowner, business, developer or agent who wished to put forward sites for allocation for housing development through the Neighbourhood Plan. The form below was used for this purpose and respondees were asked not to submit sites within the Green Belt or sites already identified in the planning authority’s SHLAA.
Call for Sites HLAA site assessment form NDPs
See below information presented to the Open Event held on 3 November 2016 which launched the first draft of the Plan and explained the process for housing site assessments.
village-leaflet-inside-1-final |
Addingham Map – 01 Dec 2015
See below copies of the Notes of meetings of the Addingham Neighbourhood Plan Forum (most recent first), together with notes of advice provided to the Forum:
1911 Review Group meeting Nov 2019
1908 Review Group briefing meeting notes Aug 2019
1907 Review Group meeting July 2019
1902 Review Group meeting Feb 2019
Please see here earlier consultation material for the draft Neighbourhood Plan:
Green Spaces Consultation Report JanH_11072017
2016 Consultation comments Nov 2016
2016 Consultation Nov 2016 – summary of comments left at meeting