Our PCSO, Daniel Stronell, will be running monthly surgeries in the Hub between 3.45pm and 4.15pm on the following dates. Pop in for a chat – you can raise any local issues, ask a question or report a crime or anti-social behaviour.
Surgery dates:
6 December
10 January
31 January
21 February
13 March

The Environment Agency is inviting any residents affecting by flooding to sign up to a new Flood Warning Service. Sign up by contacting:
yorkshirefloodresilience@environment-agency.gov.uk or ring 0345 988 1188, or visit the website:
The Parish Council has investigated cold calling zones for the village. See information on the initiative here:
See here how to keep your children safe online over the summer holidays:
General information of interest:
OWL Information (Neighbourhood Watch)
Police – the-little-book-of-big-scams 3rd edition
See the link below for details of the Police Prevent Strategy:
The below has a link for online reporting:
Know your bank notes. Please see below.
Flyers and booklets with additional information on safety matters:
2in1 A5 Flyer ; Car Alert Impo frt ; Cycle Security A4 ; NEW Generic ; Dont let me get shot ; Eurolocks A4 ;
generichomePropertyCrimePreventionAdvice ; Landy Flyer A5 2up frt-rear ; Parents Leaflet ; Police – the-little-book-of-big-scams 3rd edition ; Shed Garage A4 generic ; Take the Lead sign ; Teenagers leaflet ; TOP TIPS – Parents Handout